So you can imagine my apprehension about today. Today is my first "public event" since I have become a published erotic author... And there will be booze.
Of all things its a "Royal Rumble" (I know, I should be embarrassed over that more than my erotic fiction!) for those of my readers who are not familiar with pay-per-view wrestling, its a cheesy night filled with my lover's guy friends and their lovers and wives. Usually it consists of the guys in the living room yelling at the TV about how they totally saw such-and-such coming or how fake that sell looked or how ridiculous the double clothes-line is, and the girls meandering about the kitchen snacking and joking and chatting about whatever is our current fancy.
Of the probably 45 people that will be there I will be friends with nearly 33%, recognize about 35% more and possibly know names, and the other 32% will either be people I recognize as showing up to these things on occassion or have never seen before in my life.
I'm very good at angling myself away from people I know, because despite the fact that I'm completley comfortable talking to strangers on the train, I'm no where near comfortable enough to talking to someone who is friends with someone I know... Dunno why.
But anyways - I digress, tonight is what one of these male friends of mine considers the Social Event of the Season, he pours drinks and laughs and does a very good job of getting me, especially, to spill the beans about what's new. Oh and did I mention he's also a writer? Yes, there's that, too. So I know this new angle to my writing career will most likely come up, and despite the fact that I will probably say it quietly - or at least attempt within my drunken state - I'm sure one or two more of my friends will know of it, and cat's out of the bag, Lesa is a Smut Writer! :)
I'm both excited and horrified by this. Excited because "YAY PUBLICITY!" hehe - horrified because, well lets just say my lover freaked that his mother knew I was writing (in general) afraid that she'd want to read it...and because my day job may cause a few glances. :D
It will be an interesting night - if and when it comes up, and I'll be sure to let you, my wonderful reader, know all about the implications it may (or may not) have on my life.