I turned in some art to a friend last night and he and his wife gave me ravishing reviews. His first statement was "Oh my god, beautiful!" I had been really nervous about giving these to them as they're supposed to be awards for other people and I never want someone to wish they'd gotten someone else's piece when they get mine.
Today as I was catching up on my logs and entering posts I found out that earlier this month I received a 5 Star review for Penance: Pain. This is after steady but never quite as beautiful as I'd hoped sales. Not that I was hoping to reach Ms. James or Ms. Kitt in my first year, but I was hoping for the $500 a month that I've heard is common. But with my slow building comes much encouragement, whether its a sweet review from a reader, uplifting words from fellow writers, or the happy moment of seeing money show up in your account, and it allows for much improvement.
I have been writing seriously since fourth grade. My first "book" was completed my fifth grade year and was 100 pages. The story was about a girl that traveled back in time and sailed on the Santa Maria with Columbus. I even did my research to try to make it as accurate as possible. Even then I was drawn to the romantic notions and she secretly fell in love with a sailor on that ship, and was afraid to let him know she was a girl and confess her love. The point is that I have loved writing my whole life, and I've been told by many that I can spin a pretty decent tale.
With the ease of self publishing now it seems that everyone is jumping on the band wagon, and we're continually digging through filth to find our smut. I have read collections with some of the best smut out there and some of the worst filth. Regurgitated crap with no true story and no connection to characters or anything sexual. In fact that specific piece I am thinking of made so little sense I couldn't tell who the story teller was, what the premise was or where or when anything was taking place. One moment we were a girl talking about becoming a woman and the next we were a man helping a woman through labor. I didn't get it. But then you read the pieces that are more art then writing. Those pieces that connect you deeply to the characters you are reading about - that you laugh with and cry with and yearn to actually know. Smut doesn't often get there. I've read some of the best sellers out there, and go "why is this a best seller?" Some titles we'll never understand - they just have that magic, that desire to take the world by storm. I'm not even sure if their authors know what sort of magic they struck, but I think it has to do with art. In most cases when I read the author's interviews they talk about their personal draws to their characters. That they were pulled to the story and it was like it had to be told. Whether inspired by a dream or another story these pieces consume the author - dare I saw artist? When you wake up every morning thinking about your characters, feeling their story, feeling their passions it helps you want to put it out in the best possible light. As I celebrate my first year in the erotica section at Amazon and Barnes and Noble I'm drawn back to my very first piece with Brit and Isaac. The Binding, was one of my first erotic pieces, and the story of Brit and Isaac consumed me. Would it be considered art? As its author I am not capable of deciding that - but I do know that a year later I'm still proud of it, loving it and enjoying it. Some pieces strike a cord in you - and that to me is what makes good art. I've read many that weren't "technically well written" that were fantastic stories, driving my emotions and pulling on my heart strings and to me that makes it good art. Being an author is different from most professions out there, and not just because of the wide variety of writing styles but because of the fact that when the muse visits an author who typically can write about 7000 words a day can suddenly jump to 11,000, and if the muse is being elusive then well, it can put your output to 2,000 or fewer.
As wonderful as this past month has been it has also had its serious share of stress, and for me it has made it difficult to get much out except in spurts. Sometimes my writing has been as a relief to that stress, if I can force myself to get immersed in the piece then I can forget the world around me. But knowing that I need to get things done makes me that much more anxious. But now some of the bad stress that has been surrounding me has eased. Things I thought would happen for sure are not. In fact its done pretty much the opposite of stressing me - its now exciting me. The idea of having more pieces published thrills me and makes me want to upload 3 this week. :D But unfortunately my editor's swamped - so we'll see if we make it in time :D. If not then I'll have a back log ready for when she catches up hehe. Hope you have a great So last June we had a big hailstorm that damaged our roof, today we are getting a new one. It is seriously not conducive to creativity as they are pounding and moving and throwing and dropping and ripping and "kabooming" everything all over my head. But this song...wow who doesn't think creatively with that sexy pencil-skirt covered ass wiggling. Its been a few weeks since I've provided a "sexy song of the week" but as soon as I thought that this song came to mind...well no not this song. This VIDEO. Wowsers... "Can a woman be a womanizer?" I feel dirty just watching these lovely ladies dancing. (10 points if you recognize which story that quote comes from!) I'd write more but seriously I'm getting a headache from all of this pounding. So here's a sweet kiss to all of you my fans for sticking around and waiting patiently for the next book and post. H So I completely just realized that Shelly and The Squad go to Nationals and my second Cheer Squad: Yearbook never got uploaded on my website. They were uploaded on Amazon and Barnes and Noble a full month ago >.<. I also have two books that are either at the editor or will be back shortly that I haven't even started on covers for them or any of the descriptions!
Sometimes despite goals and desires, and working continually on project after project your timing gets a little off (Yes I realize that this post falls DIRECTLY BEHIND "Project Complete" blog post. haha!) The point is that even falling behind we can continue our work. Falling behind only gives us the opportunity to catch back up. Another of my goals is to stay positive no matter what happens this year, and we have some pretty serious things that typically can get a person down going on. So today I will be uploading a few updates to the website, and continuing a few more projects off-line. Hopefully my publishing will resume quickly. :) One of my 2,013 Resolutions for 2013 is to COMPLETE projects. As a self-employed author, a mother, a wife, an SCA participant (Society of Creative Anacronism, essentially medieval study through participation) and a home-owner, I have A LOT of projects. Everything from recovering a couch to sewing a tunic for my husband, crafting a leather pouch, building a dollhouse, writing and publishing books, finishing series, and then of course things like organizing closets, gardening, fixing that shelf that keeps breaking, etc. etc.
Since this is my first year in erotica it is also on my plate to figure out all of the taxes, formatting and writing up profit and loss statements, ensuring that the legal aspects of my business are correct and perfected. I was told during high school that because I'm a Pisces I need to see myself completing and progressing on projects in order to feel like I am successful. I have very much come to realize this in the past year. Having a sense of accomplishment makes me MUCH happier, and looking at the 40 titles I published last year helps me look at myself in a positive light. I absolutely LOVE crossing things off my list, my 2,013 resolutions and saying "Yep you are done!" Its pretty exciting to realize your goals. So today I'm sending you excitement for YOUR goals, think them through, write them out, Can taxes be sexy? Or are they just terrifying? As we are just under 4 months away from Tax Day (at least here in the US.) I am taking the data I have compiled all year and beginning to clean it up and compact it in preparation for tax season. I am not an accountant and really can't give you tips as I figure this out for my first time. But I'll tell you its not yet been as daunting as I thought it may be. There are many un-answered questions, but as much as I wanted to make millions and hire my own personal accountant that hasn't yet happened.
The good news is that because I tracked it all and kept it in a nice neat folder on my pc its taken me only an afternoon to come up with my simplified "Profit and Loss" spreadsheet. Which honestly has been an account of all my income from Amazon and Barnes and Noble and all of my outgo to various places. My next step is to verify and find all the deductibles that I want, need, and can put in. I have the obvious ones - my pc, my GoDaddy domain, my cover photos, etc. but I need to verify and find out what sort of percentage of coverage I can have with my internet, heating and electric - are those included? I just don't know. In case you have been wondering where your favorite erotic author has been for the last few weeks I have been working on year end focuses, holidays and getting a new roof (yay hail damage! BLECH!) and now I'm beginning on our taxes. Don't fret, I'm still here, and I'm working on a few s Last night I had a crazy dream. I was a furniture artist, a sexy young girl who was not me, and at one of my art shows I met "the president." It wasn't Obama, but he was black...honestly he sorta looked like Wayne Brady. (So hot!) The dream was very vivid following how we fell in love, even though he was married, our passion wouldn't allow us to be separated. There was erotic sex, and beautiful fucking, all very secretive. I made love to him in the shower and in a park. I savored his big black cock and the sensations. At some point the cute furniture artist merged into me and I became aware of my husband, and my infidelity. The dream took a turn and played with the idea of cuckolding my husband, forcing him to watch. Toward the end of the dream sequence I had the opportunity to erase our memories. I could forget the "president" and our passion. I could erase the memories of my husband, but a remembered passion... killing that, I couldn't do it. Its amazing how sometimes a dream can be so powerful that when you wake up you feel like you cheated on your lover, haha. Some stories are meant to challenge a person, meant to cause them reason to pause and think. They offer up an emotion you would not have felt through any other way. They hurt and pierce and drive you to sensations and beauty that can transcend what you have experienced before. There is a famous story about a princess who's suitor falls in love with another lady. The King places him in a gladiator-type prison with two doors, one leading to the lady he is in love with, one leading to a tiger. The princess knows which door is which, and ultimately it is her choice - allow the suitor the woman he loves or feed him to the tiger. The story never tells which door he opens, but the suitor obeys the princess. I read this piece in college and was infuriated by the ending, simply the door opening - never finding out which way the story ended. It wasn't until years later I realized that was the purpose of the story. To force the reader the emotion of deciding on their own, to wonder, to ponder, to hurt. |
***The content on this page contains sexually explicit content
- not intended for people under 18.*** LesaThoughts that tickle her fancy! Categories
February 2018