Think about the positions of your furniture, what would happen with a few things adjusted? Are you or your partner tall enough you can use a table? A chair? The end of the bed? What about window sills, or tubs? Creativity is one thing that will keep your lovemaking new and exciting. Choose a night when your kids are over at friends or grandma's and with an open mind seduce your lover in a new part of te house!
Here's one my lover and I bumped into on a "spice it up" night.
One of my all time favorites to do is what I call the Otto-Doggie.
It's a doggy style variant, and is best done over an ottoman and the edge of a couch. (But you can adapt it with many other types of furniture, be creative!) I don't have a photo, and I wasn't quite willing to drop down on all fours to demonstrate so you'll have to use your imagination!
First, position the ottoman in front of a couch, or low seat. Then have the gentleman sit on the couch, position the lovely lady kneeling down over the ottoman, breasts pressed against the seat. (Position her head over his cock for a fun twist on oral) with her bum pressed toward the front of the couch. Have him work his way forward until he can slip inside her. We've discovered the rock of the ottoman with the positioning allows for a good long bout, as both partners are supported and comfortable not to mention the penetration is deep and tight, and the rocking is perfect for slipping up and down that wonderful length.