Sales have been steady - though slow. Then this weekend they just boomed. I felt like I was on top of the world, I was selling and I was selling well... Now nothing. For two days NOTHING. Which is only two days, and quite honestly my stats really aren't messed up at all by this because of the weekend sales being so good.
My lover warned me against the feelings of failure that I may feel if I checked daily - but honestly I was so darn excited I just couldn't NOT look!
It's true that I've done a fairly good job focusing on writing and production this week, I have two covers completed, I have finished two blogs, I have finished two stories - both are in editing. I have been productive, and as my lover has told me every sale just makes my hourly wage go up, it doesn't matter if my numbers are small on occasion because I have already stopped the "production" of these pieces. I just wonder if my stories will simply fall off the radar completely when they drop off the "New" category, or if I will be able to still reap the rewards when I take a few weeks of vacation time and they are simply setting on the bookshelf hoping someone will bump into them.