Sometimes you are put up against obstacles you can work around and sometimes you can't. Our internet is having some serious issues, we have had the internet guy come out twice, we've had all sorts of extra things checked out and fixed, we've reset everything we've rewired some of it, and we're just about to the point of saying SCREW IT and going with a different internet company.
Six months that we've been struggling with it and in these most recent issues we're not able to work around them as they are issues on their end that can't be "reset" with a phone call. I'm very much a when life gives you lemons make lemonade type person, but sometimes the lemons are so sour they should just go in the trash. The good news with being a writer is that we are able to work offline a lot, even if its inconvenient at some point.
We are having the world blow up in our face recently, so I apologize that I have been slower with my output than I'd like.
Our internet is incredibly catchy - the internet guy is coming tomorrow morning to figure it out. So I'm actually blogging this in hopes that it will be publishable - heaven knows nothing else is working! In fact its so scratchy that I can't even upload Youtube in order to put up a Sexy Song of the Week! Ohhhhhh the horror!!!! (hehe) The other thing I really would feel horrible about if I didn't thank you, my readers, properly about is my expanding audience. You are helping by word of mouth, rating, and coming back for more. My stories have been uploaded to Smashwords and, being premium content, are uploading to new platforms such as Kobo, Sony, and Apple and I have already seen people picking up my books. So thank you to them as well! For those on these new platforms rest assured I am working on uploading all of my books, so the 50+ titles I have out will be coming soon to you! THANK YOU!!!!! Kisses, Lesa I am not an "Anti-Bieber" or a "Bieber-believer" nor am I typically inspired by baby faces or "innocence" like him but for some reason this song (Beauty and a Beat) really struck me and had to be on my "sexy song of the week." In watching it I was reminded of the Bieber and Mariah Carey song (All I Want for Christmas is You) which, despite my being an Erotic author sorta weirded me out. Why I wondered would something like that bug me? I think in the end it was partly the director's fault, the total clashing of styles, I think its his sweet innocence and Carey's predatory over-the-top sexuality that really made me go "eww" in the Christmas piece, that and he also seemed to be bothered, even embarrassed, by it. Now, I have no issues with Nicki and Justin singing and playing together in this one (Beauty and the Beat) even with the little "grinding" dance they do, for some reason it seems more fun and playful. Even with the line "Buns out, weiner, but I gotta keep an eye out for Selena" who was dating Beiber at the time. . . As erotic authors where do we find our boundaries? Where do we draw our lines? My two newest pieces: Madly Deeply, and Hate Loving You are two books that I toed my own personal lines with. Madly Deeply: A Fifth Rape Fantasy, pushes my comforts with trying to determine where the fantasy ends and rape begins, my editor encouraged the darker piece, in fact it was pushed darker twice. Micah is taken over by his alternate personality Evan. So the line hovers, is this the man that Alysson loves or in his comprising situation is she being taken by someone else? When she says her safe word and he doesn't respect it is he pushing her boundaries or is he actually taking her against her will? As an author particularly driven by her story the piece ended up being what it needs to be. Will my readers like it or will they be angry at me? I don't know, but I'm excited to see. Hate Loving You: A Mommy-Son Taboo, again pushed my comfort zone, shoving me over the line. Taboo is hard for me; I've never felt that way about anyone in my family, but at the same time its one of the deepest love stories there can be, love and respect that goes even deeper than boundaries drawn by race, sex, or other stigmas. Historically incest wasn't quite so. . . taboo. With the infamous Game of Thrones, incest is in the lime-light. Full on-not pseudo. . . But it seems that Erotic authors are held by separate boundaries. We can put incest on our TV, we can show it in movies, we can show it in other books, but not erotica. Weird. Not that I want to push those limits myself, I'm still mildly uncomfortable with my own Pseudo-Incest haha, but its just out there and I'm wondering. Hey Everyone!
My editor is currently "out on maternity leave" - she's still reading, she says, but its when she gets to it, but I promise I'm not dead nor have I stopped writing. I have two books currently at the editor, and Mr. Carter has even thought about being my back up editor, should the need arise. Writing is something I'll never stop, so just put me in your "check-list" and I guarantee I'll get another up eventually! KISSES! Lesa So I'm trying to build up a habit of having a book out every Friday, cuz I know you totally want me! I'm currently visiting my parents out of state, and while I have access to my pc how many of you work like crazy on your vacations? I know I don't. I will however say that Madly, Deeply is on its way, currently at the editor. Its set up to be the darkest of my rape series, a bit intimidating and to push the comfort levels of my readers. If you haven't read Deep Obsession I highly recommend it before you pick up Madly, Deeply as the changes of character may be confusing if you have skipped the previous piece. I must admit that I wanted to take it darker. I wanted to push it and make everyone squirm in their seats, but I've been debating on whether or not my erotic readers want it that dark. That deep. So what do you want in erotica? Pure and uninhibited fun sex or do My heart goes out to the victims of the Oklahoma tornados. Prayers for the family, the rescuers, and the people hit. We are with you in our hearts.
My very first gay erotica, Rage: A Male-Male Vampire Erotica, is was uploaded last week to Smashwords, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. Ever since I read Jungle Fever by Sara Pierce I have wanted to try it. I hadn't known that male on male porn could induce such seduction for a woman, but it did. Rage - like many of my books, was inspired by a dream. Yes in the dream I was a gay male - haha. Finally I had my inspiration for something like Sara's. I did my fair share of research, everything from Brokeback Mountain to porn, finding the love and sex thrilling, but I'll have to see what my readers think. So let me know whether it was intoxicatingly sinful to you or not hehe. And since this post was meant to go up last Friday and I apparently missed a click or two (Haha yes. I love being nuts!) A second hot book is coming out as well! Stranded With Olly is this weeks sweet and sexy release. I am not the spokesperson for model health, I like to drink occasionally, I don't work out every single day, and I am continually learning to eat better. Spring always makes me want to get healthier again. The return of fresh produce, the warmer weather, softball, parks, hiking, the possibility of swimming soon and, thus, swimsuit season! As a writer much of my time is spent sitting at my computer typing away, designing covers, writing sexy stories and spending little time on making myself sexy, but whether its just the season of love and sex or the warmer weather or the baby bunnies and "rebirth" it always makes me want to get ready for love of my own. And one of the best ways to ensure you have a fuckible body? Why sex of course! Its possible to burn around 150 calories per half hour of love making! Obviously varying based on the style of love making you do hehe. Imagine spending an hour of love making with your lover every day. Amazing for your relationship, amazing for your body, amazing for a healthy life! ::Wink Wink:: So tell your lover Lesa says you need to fuck more! Hope you have a great weekend! KISSES! So my books are slowly being uploaded to Smashwords which means readers on all sorts of different devices can have the opportunity to get at my books. I must admit that its been fun watching these hit new shelves.
Its crazy to think about my erotica business being a year old, but its thrilling to see that we're still growing. As I near 50 books I marvel at the realization that a year and a half ago these books weren't even in the "really planning" stage - they were more ideas that I was lightly considering. So where are my newest premium pieces you are asking? Coming Coming I promise they're coming! Also - be sure to watch for coupons - I'll be figuring those out sometime soon. Hope you have the greatest day! As a mother, small business owner, writer, homemaker, and just with all the added bonuses of living, I just get stressed out. My emotions are so fatigued that I can't pick up the pen and make words make sense on the paper. I don't want to clean my house, I don't want to do financial junk for my business. But then something shifts. Whether its an inspirational song coming on the radio, that workout that you haven't been squeezing in finally getting done, a zen relaxation moment in a garden, an inspirational quote, or just that cup of coffee you need to take a deep breath. So today I am recommending to all of my readers to Take Five and Hang in There! Enter that place within yourself that centers you. Take a breath and focus on NOT focusing on work, deadlines, and stress. I am including several things on this blog today that have calmed me down in moments past, please take a moment to do what you think will help you the most, or if you're so stressed out that one doesn't work, try them all! The grand essentials of life are something to do, something to love, something to hope for. |
***The content on this page contains sexually explicit content
- not intended for people under 18.*** LesaThoughts that tickle her fancy! Categories
February 2018