Its amazing when a person hits a "moment."
That moment where everything melts away and there is a complete connection between you and _____. I've had it when I first saw my husband, in several of my books, when I first held my daughter, but it doesn't always have to be something huge. The other night my husband and I had a big argument. We were both in a very negative place, and it ruined all sorts of positive energy that we had been having. But then it shifted. We said a few things, apologies mostly, and suddenly there was this huge connection again. The moment was filled with each other. Everything else melted away.
A really good book will have these moments, links that draw your memories back to it again and again. Perhaps its a first kiss, perhaps its a shotgun, perhaps its a tear pull. Sometimes life changing sometimes just mood changing, sometimes remembered forever and sometimes fleeting, sometimes expected (like a wedding date or delivery date) sometimes unexpected and a truly random explosion of divinity.
How do we fill our books with these moments? Feel our books. Feel them, we have to separate ourselves as writers from our personal lives and become our characters, we have to love with them, lose with them, hate with them, cry with them. If we fill our hearts with the emotions we want to portray they come out on the page, they soak it and some of that power will rub off on our reader.
I hope you have a marvelous three day weekend. :) See you in September!