Often with erotica plot and character development is slimmed down in favor of hot, hot sex. I have been guilty of that with my Sweet Release Quickies, simple "stroke" stories, full of explicit sex and little else. (That and their shortness is why I have put them at $0.99) I read a blog once that stated Erotica should be 70% sex. Seventy percent! Wow, that's very little time for the story.
Putting together a story dependent on the plot and characters and only enhanced by sex causes the questions of "what category do I put it in?" "Is it still erotica?" "Is it erotic enough?" The sex is still very explicit, deeper than your standard "romance novel," but will classifying it as "erotica" upset readers out simply to stroke?
I wish I had answers, I guess we'll see how this one turns out, a plot heavy, character driven piece with erotic elements, I've classified it as Erotic Romance.
For your chance to win it and The Binding: An Erotic Fantasy, be sure to drop by Heartthrob Haven!