I have published pieces online before, though in most cases it was in a blog-like format. Some were taken up and I was given upfront payment, and-or royalties based on views.
But none have been quite as satisfying to me as my sells in erotica. Not that I'm making as much - at the moment not near as much, but its more satisfying because I see it updated daily. I see exactly how many pieces I'm selling. I enjoy the work a lot more, a dive into the human psyche is much more interesting the Christmas Ideas for Sports fans, and I have received emails from fans already expressing they enjoyed my pieces.
My first two stories - published free on Literotica.com had over 28,000 readers in a month. I have already made a few friends with other authors, checking in and seeing their blogs, saying hi and seeing how they build their sites.
But mostly, even with the sales and the excitement of the potential it my mean, I'm enjoying the writing, the enjoyment of playing with new characters and thinking and seeing through their mind.
I can't wait for my first "You shouldn't be allowed to write that filth!" email or comment, because frankly it means I'm doing something right. :)