I'm here to say despite the stigma, "EDIT!"
The level of quality from a "first draft" to a "finished draft" is astounding. I have two editors I work with on a regular basis, Ember Rose, who is contactable via my website here. And my lover, a huge erotica fan. Most importantly I read my own material a second time, and I make my final edits.
I consider Ember my grammar editor, she reads mainly for spelling, grammar, and what I call "Ick" lines and helps me work them into smooth and clear sentences. She also tells me when things are too slow or too quick.
My lover is my content editor, but as an added bonus he has pretty decent grammar, too. He tells me what works and what doesn't, helping me clarify sections that need to be stronger, and in some cases helping me discover a voice that has been evading me. There have been stories I have debated on saying were authored by Lesa and Mr. Carter due to his massive contributions, but he always shies out of being named.
And, finally, I read it myself. Sometimes in my final read through before submission I discover little things we all missed, simple spelling errors like hear/here or there/their. But mostly I read it for fluidity, does my story make me want to cum or get off the kindle? Is my piece strong enough to be enjoyable? If I was a reader would I love this piece enough to think about buying another from this author?
I find it simply astounding how many authors put out quantity over quality. Just remember that repeat business is good business!