Charlie: Thanks for having us.
Lesa: So Charlie, you aren't the "typical romantic hero," but I find that you're one of my favorite people to write about. What do you think makes you "heroic."
Charlie: I would hardly classify myself as a hero, my wife strayed from me because I had neglected her needs, not a very heroic act.
Meredith: Respectfully, I disagree, Charlie is an amazing man. He works hard to provide for me and to ensure his workers are well taken care of. For years he sacrificed a lot of who he was with his desire to protect me. He's also very humble and forgiving. (She smiles lovingly at him.)
Lesa: What do you mean when you say "he sacrificed a lot of who he was?"
Meredith: Charlie and I were married when I was young and he was not so young. He had experience, but he was my first and only.
Charlie: When I met Meredith she was perfect and innocent, it seemed wrong to expose her to the world of BDSM, even though I was fascinated with it. I walked away from the lifestyle for her.
Lesa: That must have been hard.
Charlie: You have no idea.
Lesa: And it was her cheating that brought BDSM back into your life?
Charlie: I realized that I had let our relationship get stagnant. As much as I loved Mere, I found myself continually wanting to be at work... I am an addict-personality, when I find something I enjoy I want to dedicate all my time to it.
Lesa: So you started tying her up to spice up your love life?
Charlie: (He chuckles, squeezing Meredith's hand.) Not at first. The first time I was just so pissed that I wanted to lock her away from the whole world. I didn't want some punk nosed prick fucking my wife again.
Lesa: (I blush and chuckle.) So how is married life now that you've had some time since the incident?
Meredith: (She grins from ear to ear and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.) Its been good, its almost like I have met a new man, and gotten to keep the one I loved before. Charlie is more open to things, he lets me know a lot more of his past and I know now what he likes. And I've found a lot more things I like too!
Lesa: Like?
Meredith: (She blushes and lets out a nervous giggle.) Spanking, spreader bars, teeth, flails, wax, to name a few.
Lesa: At what point did it stop being "penance" and become "romance."
Charlie: (He looks at Meredith and she nods.) I think it was at different points for both of us. The moment that I felt it started to shift was when she was dripping with need as I spanked her. It let me know that she wanted it and was willing. It became more a turn on than a punishment. Even then I had to be careful with my anger, she had indeed snapped something within me and it was like all my rage was fighting to get out. Sometimes I think its still penance for both of us.
Meredith: When the spanking started, I was amazed to find myself turned on by it, but I still feared I had broken my husband and our relationship. I mean what man would lock his wife away in a bathroom for a week? (She squeezes his hand to take the sting from her words.) I think my major turning point was the smile. A hint that he was enjoying it, that he was getting pleasure from my obedience. It's strange looking back I can see the romance to all of it, despite my fear and self loathing.
Lesa: What tip would you offer to couples wanting to experiment with BDSM?
Meredith: Communication, patience, and openness. When you're just starting out you don't know what you're capable of, you may think you'd really like to be spanked and find out that it really doesn't turn you on like you thought it would or vice versa. BDSM becomes a very personal thing and it takes time to realize what you both like.
Lesa: One final question, if you wouldn't mind, Since its Friday and "Sexy Song of the Week" day, what's your favorite sexy song?
Charlie: When Meredith left me I fell in love with Lady Antebellum's Need You Now. The line "I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all" really struck me.
Lesa: Thank you both for sharing your story.
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